Moving from predictive to data prescriptive analytics


Moving from predictive to data prescriptive analytics

As federal agencies grapple with increasing demands to meet the government’s Federal Data Strategy and various data privacy and security regulations, the need for data transparency and traceability has taken on greater importance.

The patchwork of traditional agency systems and applications, however, is no longer up to the task to provide the transparency and traceability around data that agencies require today.

Given the detailed data-handling and compliance requirements of GDPR, GLBA, HIPAA, PIPEDA and CCPA, agencies and the organizations they work with need a comprehensive solution to help them understand and document how data is gathered, manipulated and enriched across an increasingly distributed environment.

Additionally, agencies must also manage an increasing amount of data being generated at the edge. While in the past, data from sensors streamed into the cloud to get processed, today there just isn’t enough bandwidth for this to work.

When those concerns are taken together with the intensifying demands to protect government data, federal agencies need to consider a more modern data management solution that can fit the current and future needs of their enterprise operations.

Rising to the challenge of integrating data

Today, many agencies contend that their custom-built point solutions are still suited to manage their data. The challenge they tend to create is an inability to track the overall flow of data. That not only limits agencies from tracing data provenance, but in case of a breach it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, to review what vulnerabilities led to the breach.

The greater the number of point solutions that information must travel through, the greater the chances that end-to-end tracing details will break down.

That’s where an integrated data management platform, which captures data from the edge and tracks its progress through the entire pipeline, can make a huge difference. It can trace how data came into the organization, who manipulated it, how it was enriched or how it was changed, no matter which cloud or server it resides on.

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Moving from predictive to data prescriptive analytics