COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App Must-Haves: Security, Privacy

Cybersecurity / Technology

COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App Must-Haves: Security, Privacy

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many nations have introduced – or announced plans to introduce – smartphone-based contact-tracing apps to help fight the virus. But while such programs may have public health benefits, hundreds of scientists and researchers, in an open letter, have warned that they could facilitate “unprecedented surveillance of society at large,” unless these apps get rolled out in a transparent and open manner, with security and privacy safeguards in place (see: Contact-Tracing Apps Must Respect Privacy, Scientists Warn).

“Everybody accepts that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, but that has to be done in a measured way and you have to … have this public debate about the risk,” says Alan Woodward, a signatory to the letter who’s a visiting professor at England’s University of Surrey. “Our motivation behind all of this is not that we’re all privacy nuts and we think that the government’s going to be spying on us, although some governments will doubtless try to use this for that. It’s that people have to trust this.” ,,,

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COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App Must-Haves: Security, Privacy